July 28th 2016 – 6.30PM Reserve your Place at Meetup Building stable systems can be hard, but much of the difficulty can stem from poor design rather than implicit complication. In this talk Andrew will be covering design patterns, processes and considerations… Continue reading →
The next meetup of Derbyshire DotNet is tomorrow (30th June 2016) 18:30 at the Greyhound Pub on Friargate. We will be welcoming Richard Wilder of wildesoft.net who will be delivering the talk below: Unit testing helps us when writing any sort of… Continue reading →
The next meetup of Derbyshire DotNet is tonight at 18:30 at the Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Engineering and the talk will be separated into two parts, but will focus on SQL Azure, SQL Server and Cloud Services. In the… Continue reading →
Pluralsight’s hack.summit() is a virtual event happening February 22-25, where you can learn from some of the best programmers in the world, and hack over a weekend for a chance at £100,000 in cash prizes. An unprecedented line-up of programmers… Continue reading →
Our next meetup on 28th January 2016 will mark Derbyshire Dot Net’s first anniversary. It doesn’t seem that long ago that we had our first meetup at Chevin Fleet Solutions‘ offices with Penny Coventry MVP, and Paul Nicklin of inniAccounts. In… Continue reading →
I’ve been interested in Domain Driven Design and Service Oriented Architecture for a long time now, so the micro-services movement is something I am keenly following. That being said I recently came across an interesting talk by Daniel Bryant of… Continue reading →
Because our next meetup falls over the festive period we decided to raffle the tickets to NDC London conference at our November meetup. Thanks to all who attended Paul’s talk on Enterprise Service Bus with Mass Transit. And congratulations go… Continue reading →
We are pleased to announce we have yet another new sponsor at Derbyshire DotNet, which is Manning Publications. As a member of our usergroup you can enjoy the following benefits. 36% discount on our printed books and their e-books Donations… Continue reading →
Slides now available for Azure : The Good Parts
Thank you to Richard Tasker who came to DerbyshireDotNet to talk about Windows Azure and Web Apps in particular. Windows Azure is such a huge platform so it was good to learn about Richard’s experience in using it. And how he and his team… Continue reading →